Microsoft Licensing

Waycomp Ict has a strong platform of Microsoft skills countrywide. Our team consists of respected licensing advisors in Zimbabwe and a significant back-office team with strong Microsoft product and licensing skills to ensure quick execution to customers.

We have a worldwide footprint through our partner Insight IT, one of the largest LAR's worldwide, and Computacenter. Each employee in our software division has the experience and in-depth understanding of the Microsoft agreements and processes to offer comprehensive analysis and to ensure customers receive the best pricing by assisting with the negotiation process of a structured licensing agreement according to your requirements.

By gaining a good understanding of our customer's environment and always being up to date with technology changes and future trends, Waycomp ICT derives value for customers that ensures they get the maximum benefit out of their Microsoft licensing agreements.

Waycomp Solutions has:
  • A full complement of qualified Microsoft Certified Technology Specialists.
  • The appropriate license contracts management skills.
  • A fully trained Software Asset Management team.
  • The largest and most qualified back office license procurement and contract management team.
  • The ability to significantly optimise a customer's software usage.
  • The ability to provide software licensing services countrywide and worldwide through our partnership with other major Microsoft LARs.
  • All the systems and processes in place to assist clients with their software license compliancy.
  • An unrivalled value proposition.
  • The most qualified Altiris team who will implement a software asset management solution and provide all the operational activities on a daily basis to ensure that true software asset management is achieved

What is a Software Licence? A software licence grants you the legal right to use a piece of software. For each software program you use, you need a licence, granted to you and documented in the licence agreement.

Your use of a software product is governed by the terms of the licence agreement, as well as by copyright law. According to the US Copyright Act, it is illegal to make or distribute copyright material (which includes computer programmes) without specific authorisation from the copyright owner.

The unauthorised duplication of software constitutes copyright infringement, regardless of whether it is done for sale, for free distribution, or for the copier's own use.

Microsoft License FAQ's

What is a Microsoft Volume license?

A Volume license is a bulk license. You will still need to purchase one license per PC, however you will receive 1 license key and 1 disk which is used to install on all the PC's you have purchased licenses for. This method makes managing your company licenses a breeze. Volume licenses are listed on Microsoft's Volume license website, allowing you to refer back to your license summary to keep track of your licenses.

Do I need to buy a license for every PC in my organisation?

In the terms of Microsofts's product use rights, you must purchase 1 license per PC in your organisation. Even if you have purchased a Volume license, you must make sure, if you have 10 PC's that you have 10 licenses on your Volume license. If you are using Retail licenses, you must make sure you have 1 Retail Box per PC.

What is Microsoft Software Assurance?

Volume licenses allow ease of management by listing all your licenses in one portal location. All your license keys are available any time you need them. You can never lose your Volume license and it can never be stolen. Unlike other licenses, if the PC your license is installed on breaks or is lost, you can install your license on a replacement computer. Software Assurance can be added to your Volume license so that you will receive upgrade rights as well as back grade rights.

What is the benefit of a Microsoft Volume License?

Volume licenses allow ease of management by listing all your licenses in one portal location. All your license keys are available any time you need them. You can never lose your Volume license and it can never be stolen. Unlike other licenses, if the PC your license is installed on breaks or is lost, you can install your license on a replacement computer. Software Assurance can be added to your Volume license so that you will receive upgrade rights as well as back grade rights.

What is the benefit of a Microsoft Retail License?

A Retail license is the most cost effective license for a small business that does not require many licenses. You will receive one license key and one license disk per specific PC. Remember to keep your license box in a safe place.

Benefits of owning Legal Software

Acquiring legal software is not only the right thing to do, but it also provides many additional benefits:
  • Updates: Microsoft frequently updates its products to deliver the latest technology advantages and to help you accomplish your work more efficiently. Only licensed users of the previous version are eligible for a product update at a lower upgrade price. Any update based on an illegal previous version does not comply with the law.
  • Features: Installing genuine software (also known as "clean" software) guarantees that you get the whole range of program functionality. Illegally copied/installed ("dirty") software often is corrupted and has missing components. Thus, it may destroy your work or restrict your use of the program.
  • Productivity: By acquiring genuine software, you install a stable product and do not risk unpredictable crashes that can reduce your productivity and effectiveness.
  • No Virus: Original software is guaranteed virus-free, keeping your work and your computer protected.
  • Support: In most cases, acquiring legal software gives you access to technical support for questions and problems concerning Microsoft products.
  • Information: If you are a licensed user and you are registered as a Microsoft customer, you will receive information about new products and special offers. As a registered customer, you'll always be up-to-date on the latest news.
  • Avoid being illegal and resulting penalties: United States law prohibits duplicating software for profit, making multiple copies for use by different users within an organisation, and giving an unauthorised copy to another individual. If caught with pirated software, you or your company may be tried under both civil and criminal law. A civil action may be instituted for injunction, actual damages (including infringer's profits), or statutory damages up to $100,000 per infringement. Criminal penalties for copyright infringement include fines of up to $250,000 and jail terms of up to five years, or both.

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