Waycomp ICT is also a high-end computer service firm with a reputation for integrity, professionalism, and excellence in workmanship.

The Company has experienced steady growth since its inception, and is being well received in the industry.

We are a company that specialises in free software and more specifically, for the Ubuntu & Kubuntu operating systems. In short, we aim to make your GNU/Linux experience as pleasant as possible. We provide the Ubuntu & Kubuntu operating systems to our clients and provide the following services:

  • Custom packages that are removed or added to the default installation
  • Client-specific packages that are added to the system
  • Custom branding that is applied to boot-up logos, wallpapers, login-screens, etc
  • Tailor made solutions based on LTSP, the Linux Terminal Server Project
  • Pre-built appliance installer media for USB disks and CD/DVD-ROM

Technologies we use

Our Intentions

  • We believe that a true professional recommends what is best for the client, not just for their own gain.
  • We advocate the use and development of free software, we do however also understand that in many use cases, non-free software is necessary and that it does have its place.
  • Free software should be intuitive and useful. We aim to make free software and the administration thereof as simple as possible. We aim to keep our pricing model as simple as possible so that our clients understand what they pay for and what they receive in return.
  • Technical excellence is a high priority. There are many established standards and methods of doing things, we prefer to be kind to the larger eco-system- not only in free software, but also in the business world.

Some of these not so obvious advantages are explained in brief detail below:


Linux is Open Source Software, while Windows is not. The simplest benefits of Open Source Code to demonstrate are increased security, reliability and functionality; because users of Open Source are readily able to identify and correct problems with the programs and to submit their own enhancements for incorporation into the program. Closed Source systems enjoy none of those benefits.


Linux is made with the Unix design philosophy, which dictates that system tools are small and highly specialized. The result is an incredibly powerful and reliable system, limited in capability only by the user's imagination and ability to integrate the Unix utilities. The Windows philosophy is to create unwieldy swiss army knives, limited in capability by how many features the user purchased on their particular knife. Diminished reliability is arguably a side effect of increased complexity. Thus with Windows, the case is often that you have tools that ALMOST do what you want them to, if they didn't crash.


The architecture of Linux is superior to Windows because critical operation system functions are implemented in such a way that buggy programs can't cause the computer to become unstable and crash. In fairness, though not quite as robust as Linux, Windows 2000 and Windows XP are much improved over Windows 9x and Windows Millenium Edition.